CPMSP Projects

It's Always a Work in Progress!


DOM Manipulation, Vanilla JS, localStorage API

The Odin Project

Simple Calculator

DOM Manipulation, HTML, CSS; Vanilla JS

The Odin Project

A Browser Based Etch a Sketch from the Odin Project

DOM Manipulation, HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS

The Odin Project

Rock Paper Scissors from The Odin Project

DOM Manipulation, HTML, CSS

The Odin Project

A Google Homepage 'Clone' (graphics only)


The Odin Project

React Colors, a custom Palette Creator

Create React App, Material UI, chroma-js, emoji-mart, rc-slider

Capstone from Colt Steele's The Modern React Bootcamp on Udemy

YelpCamp, a Full Stack Campsite Review Site

EJS, Express, Mongoose, MongoDB, AJAX, Bootstrap, Passport.js and Node ***Formerly deployed on Heroku, will migrate somewhere else in the future***

Capstone from Colt Steele's The Web Developer Bootcamp on Udemy

Circle Sounds, a low-rent version of www.patatap.com

Create React App, Howler, Paper.js, Node -- Launch page and press alphebetic keys to hear a sound

Colt Steele's The Modern React Bootcamp on Udemy

React Lights Out!

Create React App, State Management

Colt Steele's The Modern React Bootcamp on Udemy

React Yahtzee

Create React App, Simple Animations and Rule Set

Colt Steele's The Modern React Bootcamp on Udemy

Dad Joke Generator

Create React App, Axios, API icanhazdadjoke.com, UUID

Colt Steele's The Modern React Bootcamp on Udemy

React Hangman

Create React App, State Management

Colt Steele's The Modern React Bootcamp on Udemy

Card Dealer, a small React app that uses an API to randomly deal a deck

Create React App, API deckofcardsapi.com

Colt Steele's The Modern React Bootcamp on Udemy

React Hooks To Do

Create React App, native and custom Hooks

Colt Steele's The Modern React Bootcamp on Udemy

React To Do

Create React App, State Management

Colt Steele's The Web Developer Bootcamp on Udemy

A jQuery powered To - Do list (noDB)

jQuery, Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Google Fonts

Colt Steele's The Web Developer Bootcamp on Udemy

RESTblog, a simple EJS based blog to showcase REST principles


Colt Steele's The Web Developer's Bootcamp on Udemy

React Native Tracker

Expo, Expo CLI, React Navigation, React Native Maps, Expo Location, NGrok, Context and Hooks

Stephen Grider's The Complete React Native + Hooks Course (2020) on Udemy

React Native Food Search

Expo / Expo - CLI, React Navigation, Yelp API, NGrok, Font Awesome, Hooks

Stephen Grider's The Complete React Native + Hooks Course (2020) on Udemy

React Native Blog

Expo / Expo CLI, React Native, NGrok, Context and Hooks

Stephen Grider's The Complete React Native + Hooks Course (2020) on Udemy